Art of Optimal Living

The Art of

Optimal Living

Learn how to live a longer and more optimal life.

The Art of

Optimal Living

Learn how to live a longer and more optimal life.

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Light & Circadian Health

We are beings of light. Optimizing your light environment may be the single most important thing you can do for your health and longevity. Artificial light exposure has increased dramatically over the last several decades and it is having massive implications on our health. 



Nutrition is the foundation of optimal health and the fastest way to start feeling your best. By focusing on the right nutritional strategies, we can address many common health challenges—whether autoimmune, psychiatric, neurological, metabolic, or cardiovascular.



Mental Health

Increasing longevity is almost pointless if the extra years you gain are mentally miserable. Mental health is such an important piece of the equation. Physical, metabolic and mental health are inexorably linked. It’s extremely difficult to have excellent mental health, while in poor physical shape, and vice-versa. 


Exercise is a potent lever for improving length and quality of life. Beyond physical fitness, the right kind of exercise supports mental clarity, emotional balance, and metabolic health.

Neurodegenerative Disease

Emerging research shows that lifestyle factors—nutrition, movement, sleep, and stress management—can significantly influence brain health and reduce the risk of neurodegeneration.

Autoimmune Disease

I believe autoimmune conditions are best healed through diet and lifestyle changes. Here I discuss the role that our food and environment play in our symptoms and discuss effective ways to reduce them.

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